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Jul 22, 2021
MPEDC Hosts Mike Grella on a 3-day Listening Tour
Mount Pleasant Economic Development Corporation Hosts Mike Grella on a 3-day Listening Tour Mount Pleasant, TEXAS- Mount Pleasant...

Jun 14, 2021
The first guest invited to meet with across-section of community stakeholders was Mike Grella, the former head of economic development ...

May 13, 2021
Former Amazon leader says because of innovation, education, Tyler economy is positioned to boom
by: Cynthia Miranda TYLER, Texas (KETK) — The Tyler Economic Development Council held an event on Friday with Mike Grella, the former...

May 13, 2021
Former Amazon executive says big industries and tech companies could look to expand in Tyler
Former Amazon executive, Mike Grella, spoke with various city leaders on Friday about future big business potential in Tyler.

Feb 18, 2021
Economic Development Skill Session in Thomaston
The Incredible FUN 101.1 South Metro's News Leader Thursday, February, 18th, 2021 The movers and shakers of economic development in...

Jan 4, 2021
Michael Grella Featured in Fort Wayne Magazine - January 2021
Innovation. Momentum. Prosperity. What will 2030 look like in Fort Wayne? Take a step and find out. The complete issue is available here....

Dec 10, 2020
Talent now matters more than incentives, says Amazon's founding economic development chief
When it comes to winning the most coveted prize in economic development, incentives don't matter nearly as much as they used to.

Oct 1, 2020
Beautiful, perk-filled & mostly empty: What the future holds for tech’s billion-dollar headquarters
SAN FRANCISCO — For years, they weren’t much to look at. The Silicon Valley tech companies famously started in garages eventually...

May 22, 2020
Elon Musk’s threat to leave California could cost Tesla $1 billion — and be worth it
PUBLISHED WED, MAY 20 202012:03 PM EDT UPDATED WED, MAY 20 20203:30 PM EDT Tim Mullaney [PHOTO: Workers assemble cars on the line at...

Mar 31, 2020
What does the Amazon fulfillment center means for Des Moines shoppers?
Nancy Austin was one of a few dozen people shopping at Jordan Creek Town Center on a warm weekday afternoon in late February.

Oct 4, 2019
What to expect when you're expecting (an Amazon fulfillment center)
State and city officials won't say who is behind Bondurant's Project Bluejay, the code name for a giant warehouse planned in the city’s sout

Aug 31, 2019
How Amazon learned to love and thrive in Baltimore
The history, challenges and leadership of the City of Baltimore were under a microscope this summer as tweets, speeches and press...

Aug 7, 2019
Online retailers are transforming warehouse construction
U.S. consumers' zeal for nearly instantaneous access to groceries and other items has upended the design and construction of facilities...

Apr 16, 2019
Former Amazon director: 'Blank checks aren't the answer' on incentives
Mike Grella weighs in on how government incentives to companies should be used.

Feb 18, 2019
Economic Development & ESG: the two of you need to talk. Now!
For the past seven years (6 years, 11 months, two weeks to be exact), Amazon’s Director of Economic Development has been my title.

Oct 24, 2017
Amazon Has Honed Its Site-Hunting Expertise With In-House Team Inc. is no novice when it comes to getting good deals.

Jul 28, 2016
Expanding shipping infrastructure is lifting commercial real estate
Virginia's business climate consistently delivers for Amazon.
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